Ahead of its 2023 Awards ceremony, The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has announced the winners of the Industry Sector Awards. The awards recognise organisations promoting sustainable packaging design and innovation across a range of sectors, including food and beverage, and manufacturing. The winners were assessed based on APCO
Members’ Annual Reporting scores and their performance against the Packaging
Sustainability Framework criteria. Berton Vineyards won the SME Industry Sector Award (Food and Beverage), transitioning its packaging to 100% recyclable materials and increasing the use of recycled content across all packaging. We
accomplished this by effectively implementing sustainable packaging practices, ensuring that our main packaging is completely recyclable. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our ongoing efforts to boost the use of recycled
materials in all packaging levels—primary, secondary, and tertiary.
These advancements are in line with our Sustainable Packaging Policy and our continual assessment of product variants to optimise material use, thereby diminishing the ecological footprint of our packaging. Additionally, we have
established on-site systems for reusing and recycling materials. Chris Foley, APCO CEO, said these achievements demonstrate the strength of
the Australian industry’s leadership in sustainable packaging and how collaboration across the system can benefit the environment, economy, and community.
“At Berton’s we place a high value on sustainability, and we constantly look at ourselves to see what we can do better. Being recognised as an industry sector leader helps affirm we are on the right track”- Jamie Bennett, Managing Director.